CSP Wins their 7th Ozark A Championship in a row!

Mark Imig

CSP swam away this past weekend with their 7th Straight Ozark A Championship!  No team in Ozark has won an Ozark Team Championship Meet more than 6 years in a row, so this was quite an accomplishment for our team and swimmers as well.  CSP went in to the meet with 112 swimmers attending, 636 individual events and all relays filled.   All of those were ranked first as well.

Not only did the team win this past weekend, there were also Ozark Coach of the Years being voted on during the meet by the coaches in Ozark.  CSP had a clean sweep of those with Coach Lanette Imig being voted on as the first ever Ozark Developmental Coach of the Year.  Coach Mark Imig was voted as the Age Group Coach of the Year and Coach David McCrary was voted as the Ozark Senior Coach of the Year.  This is a reflection on the great job that all of our athletes and assistant coaches do as well.

CSP also had a number of officials who worked the meet. Many of these officials were working sessions that their swimmers were not swimming in, which is always appreciated.  Thanks so much for volunteering your time during this long weekend!

As a Team, CSP not only won the meet, but we also scored the most points on both the Girls and Boys side as well.  Our Age Groups were also outstanding, winning the 10 & Under Boys, 11 – 12 Boys, 13 – 14 Girls and 13 – 14 Boys, while finishing in second in the 10 & Under Girls, 11 – 12 Girls, 15 & Over Boys and 15 & Over Girls.  No other team in Ozark placed in the Top 3 in each Age Group!

High Point winners were Nora Lee Brown for the 13 – 14 Girls and JD Suarez for the 13 – 14 Boys.  Mia Panic was 2nd place for the 10 & Under Girls, while Colin Cunneen, 10 & Under Boy, and Joanna Dohrman, 15 & Over Girl, finished in 3rd place!  Finishing in the Top 5 were Jacqueline Hu (4th 11 – 12 Girls), Asher Cole (5th 11 – 12 Boys), Trey Cunneen (4th 13 – 14 Boys), Alyssa Dennis (4th 15 & Over Girls), Maddie Palatt (5th 15 & Over Girls) and Eric Ji (5th 15 & Over Boys).

In the 10 & Under Age Groups, Mia and Colin both won individual events, while Oliver Adkins, Austin Chu, Aiden Kim and Alicia Williams all placed in the Top 8.

On the Relays, Avery Warwick, Alicia, Mia and Sienna Kelley were 3rd for the Medley Relay, while Marissa Kelley, Olivia Hanes, Prairey Maxwell and Emma Fouke were 7th for the Girls. 

Winning the 200 Medley Relay for the Boys were Colin, Aiden, Austin and Oliver, while Brandon Hu, Jackson Brinton, Ryan Moore and Evan Kim were 6th.

In the 200 Free Relays, Mia, Alicia, Sienna and Marissa were 5th, while Olivia, Prairey, Emma and Avery were 8th for the Girls. 

Winning for the Boys were Aiden, Colin, Austin and Oliver, while Brandon, Evan, Lucas Theodos and Ryan were 6th.

In the 11 – 12 Age Group, Jacqueline won multiple individual events, while Brody Blatt, Charlotte Brown, Casey Chu, Asher Cole, Avery Cunneen, Macie DiGuiseppe, Wills Dino, Sean McGinley, Cabot Murawski, Hannah Renaud, Sophia Snyder, Emma Welch, Evan Wiley and Madeleine Williams, all finished in the Top 8.  Placing in the Top 16 were Charlie Hill, Penny Riswadkar and Camden Theodos.

Th 11 – 12-Year-Old Swimmers had a number of great swims in the Relays as well:

400 Medley Relays:

Avery, Jacqueline, Hannah and Macie 3rd and Madeleine, Charlotte, Penny and Sophia 9th

Sean, Cabot, Asher and Camden 2nd, Evan, Brody, Casey and Wills 6th

200 Medley Relays:

Avery, Jacqueline, Hannah and Macie 4th, Emma, Charlotte, Penny and Sophia 6th

Brody, Cabot, Asher and Sean 2nd, Evan, Wills, Casey and Camden 6th

200 Free Relays:

Macie, Hannah, Avery and Charlotte 4th, Madeleine, Emma, Jacqueline and Sophia 7th

Cabot, Sean, Asher and Brody 3rd

400 Free Relays:

Hannah, Macie, Sophia and Charlotte 3rd, Jacqueline, Avery, Madeleine and Emma 5th

Asher, Sean, Cabot and Camden were 3rd, Brody, Wills, Charlie and Evan were 6th

In the 13 – 14 Age Groups, Nora Lee, Lily Hsieh and JD, all won individual events.  Finishing in the Top 8 were Aidan Brawer, Grace Coppel, Trey, Sarah Donohue, Sam Ellenhorn, Daniel Garza, Juliette Phillips, Leah Renner, Alex Snyder, Xander Theodos, Jillian Thomason, Olivia Thurman, Henry Unger, Emma Wisker and Graham Zucker.  Placing in the Top 16 were Laura Bonds, Emily Dieckhaus, Amelia Dino, Everdine Ferguson, Anya Liu, Patrick McGinley, Isabel Phillips, Lexi Thornton and Hunter Wilson.  Also competing at A Champs were Cate Fear, Emily Frazier, Caitlin Kuhlmann, Lindsay Naber, and Sarah Wallace.

The 13 – 14 Boys won four of the five relays for their Age Group, with JD, Trey, Graham and Daniel winning the 800 Free, JD, Xander, Graham and Henry won the 200 Medley and JD, Trey, Graham and Henry won both the 200 and 400 Free Relays.

800 Free Relays:

Nora Lee, Juliette, Emma and Lily 2nd, Leah, Sarah, Grace and Anya 4th

Sam, Xander, Henry and Hunter 6th

400 Medley Relays:

Sarah, Nora Lee, Lily and Juliette 2nd, Anya, Emma, Jillian and Leah 4th

Patrick, Aidan, Sam and Henry 8th

200 Medley Relays:

Sarah, Nora Lee, Lily and Juliette 2nd, Anya, Emma, Jillian and Leah 3rd

Trey, Aidan, Patrick and Hunter 6th

400 Free Relays:

Juliette, Nora Lee, Emma and Leah 2nd, Lily, Sarah, Grace and Alex 5th

Patrick, Hunter, Sam and Xander 5th

200 Free Relays:

Leah, Emma, Lily and Grace 2nd, Nora Lee, Jillian, Everdine and Nora Rutkowski 4th

Xander, Hunter, Sam and Austin Theodos 5th

In the 15 & Over Age Group, Joanna, Eric and Cameron McCrary all won individual events.  Placing in the Top 8 were Koji Barrette, Anna Scott Baur, Margaret Beimdiek, Steven Busch, Alyssa Dennis, Sophie Fredman, Nathan Lin, Ned Mehmeti, Kellen Mottl, Carter Murawski, Lee Naber, Andrew O’Brien, Maddie Palatt, Ella Pearl, Niko Theodos and Wil Welch.  Finishing in the Top 16 were Lauren Beard, Shelby Bushong, Jackson Fox, Samuel Garza, Parker Hagemann, Jonas Hostetler, Paige Howell, Erin Lamping, Franklin Liu, Ryan Mauney, Campbell Murawski and Sophie Thompson.  Also swimming at Ozark A Champs were Hallie Anderson, Kathryn Chaves, Graham Fredman, Maggie Nelson, Grace Schaefer, Emma Thurman and Talia Warticovschi.

800 Free Relays:

Margaret, Joanna, Parker and Lauren 3rd, Jessica Briers, Erin, Sophie and Campbell 7th

Cameron, Eric, Niko and Jackson 3rd

400 Medley Relays:

Ella, Kellen, Joanna and Parker 3rd, Maddie, Sophie, Campbell and Jessica 6th

Lee, Carter, Koji and Andrew 3rd, Cameron, Eric, Nathan and Ryan 4th

200 Medley Relays:

Ella, Kellen, Maddie and Parker 2nd, Campbell, Sophie, Joanna and Lauren 5th

Lee, Carter, Nathan and Andrew 2nd, Cameron, Eric, Wil and Ryan 5th

400 Free Relays:

Parker, Maddie, Campbell and Margaret 4th, Jessica, Kellen, Anna Scott and Lauren 7th

Carter, Steven, Eric and Jackson 3rd

200 Free Relays:

Maddie, Campbell, Kellen and Anna Scott 4th, Parker, Ella, Jessica and Lauren 5th

Andrew, Nathan, Lee and Carter 3rd, Steven, Ryan, Eric and Jackson 5th

Congratulations to all the swimmers and coaches on a very successful Ozark A Championship Meet!

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