IMX and IMR Certificates from 2019-2020 Season

Mark Imig

Even during a  shortened swim season last year, CSP had a tremendous number of swimmers acheiving their IMX and IMR scores short course.

IMX and IMR is a motivational program, through USA Swimming, that allows swimmers across the nation to compare themselves to the thousands of other athletes in their age group.  All your swimmer must do is swim a combination of events, at least one time per season, and USA Swimming automatically gives you your ranking.

For the 2019 – 2020 Short Course Season, we had 151 athletes achieving an IMX score, having swum:

10 & Under         100 Fly, Back, Breast, 200 IM & Free

11 – 12               100 Fly, Back, Breast, 200 IM & 500 Free

13 – 18               200 Fly, Back, Breast, 200 IM, 400 IM & 500 Free

We had a number of swimmers ranked in the Top 100 in the Nation in their age groups, including Austin Chu (29), Colin Cunneen (31), Joanna Dohrman (87), Eric Ji (100), Aiden Kim (61) and Mia Panic (41), while  Joanna, Eric, Maddie Palatt and Mia, were ranked first in the Ozark LSC.

We had 218 swimmers achieving the IMR score for the past Short Course season as well, and in order to get an IMR score, the swimmers must have swum the following events:

10 & Under         50 Fly, Back, Breast, 100 IM & 100 Free

11 – 12               50 Fly, Back, Breast, 100 IM & 200 Free

13 – 18               100 Fly, Back, Breast, 200 IM & 200 Free


To view and get your IMX Certificates, click here

To view and get your IMR Certificates, click here