2021 CSP Swim A Thon a Success!

Mark Imig

The 2021 Swim A Thon is complete and in the books.  The team raised almost $55,000, which makes this is one of our most successful Swim A Thons and we can not thank everyone enough for their very generous support.  The prizes are being ordered next week and usually will be ready to be distributed at workouts near the end of March, or first week in April.

Congratulations to the Elite Group for winning the Ted Drewes Party by raising the most amount of money for the team, raising more than $13,000!  The Senior Group was in second at almost $9,000, while Varsity raised over $7,000 and JV was just a shade under $7,000.  Our Masters group came through with almost $4,000, the most they have raised!

Sam Ellenhorn was the top earner, from the Elite Group, raising more than $3,200, while Audrey Qureshi from Varsity was second at $2,300 and Lindsay Naber was third from, from Senior, at $1,200.  Also raising $1,000 or more were Hunter Wilson (Senior), Lou Grasse (Masters), Steven Busch (Elite) and Leah Renner (Elite).

Today we did the drawing for the 3 pair of Apple Air Pods Pro.  To be eligible, you had to raise at least $200 for a chance.  Every $50 after, gave that swimmer another chance.  The winners of the Air Pods were, Nathan Lin (Elite), Audrey Qureshi (Varsity) and Emma Fouke (Junior Varsity).  Those are being purchased today and will be handed out at workouts next week!

Again, thank you all for supporting CSP and our Swim A Thon!