86th CSP Summer Invitational was another great success!!

Chris Etherington

The 86th CSP Summer Invitational was a huge success.  This is the 2nd longest running meet in USA Swimming, and the coaches spent many hours leading up, during and after the meet.  From just doing entries for CSP, taking entries from other teams, scheduling workers, setting up every morning and shutting down every night, and of course working with all of our swimmers during the meet, the coaches wore many hats this past weekend. Thank you to all volunteers that helped us have another GREAT meet.


Austin Chu broke the 13-14 Boys 200 IM team record.


High Point Winners were Emerson Schneider (1st - 9YO), Jayden Lai (1st - 7YO), Jason Lai (1st - 10YO), Emma Fouke (1st - 12YO), Paige Haug (1st - 11YO), Prairey Maxwell (3rd - 13-14 Girls), Laine Curry (2nd - 13-14 Girls), Payton Robic (1st - 13-14 Girls), Gio Bucci (3rd - 13-14 Boys), JP Costello (2nd - 13-14 Boys), Austin (1st - 13-14 Boys), Brody Blatt (1st - Open Boys), Nora Lee Brown (3rd - Open Girls), Hannah Renaud (2nd - Open Girls), Lexi Cook (1st - Open Girls), 


For the 8&Under Age Group, winning events was Jayden. Finishing in the Top 8 were Thomas Brinton, Theodore Collet, Robert Liu, Sikander Manocha, Palmer Rand, Garrett Rickerd, Benjamin Russell, Timofey Ryazanov, Graham, Schnakenberg, Xinqi Shen, Andrew Spitzfaden and Benjamin Wachter. Finishing in the Top 16 were Ruhi Raval and Anna Wachter. 


For the 9-10 Age Group, winning events were David Boland, Boardie Fouke, Jason, Deon Saunders and Emerson. Finishing in the Top 8 were Logan Ackenhausen, Yusif Aghayev, Neve Agustin, Alexa Brinton, Harper Chism, Quinn Haug, Nathan Lai, Sloane Langdon, Bryan Li, Jennifer Liu, Leo Loveland, Arabella Mohart, Nila Patterson, Daphne Pottier, Amie Reboulet, Lorraine Rickerd and Benjamin Ward. Finishing in the Top 16 were Luke Choi, Harvey Glassman, Benson Han-Walsh, Tucker House, David Pion and Saanvi Sharma. Also swimming in the meet were Mila Desai, Priyanka Gandhi, Sloane Jacoby, Maria Mantovani, Alexander Quattlebaum, Shreya Shah, Edith Spitzfaden and Nathaniel Thompson.


Within the 11 Age Group, winning events were Paige, Amerlia Kirsten, Eli Voss and Nicholas Zagromov. Finishing in the Top 8 were Julia Bucci, Timmy Chen, Libby Cole, Camryn Costello, Alex Granier, Calvin Hyland, Connor Kraft, Stella Pelech, Darsh Pradhan, Parker Robic, Ivan Ryazanov, Mason Schneider, Harper Stewart, Angela Wang, Emma Wu and Finn Ziolkowski. Finishing in the Top 16 were Nathan Chen, Owen Christensen, Wyatt Davis, Dylan Li and Layla Shepherd. Also swimming in the meet were Sally Gray Mueth, Lucille Ryder, Avery Yonick and Xinyi Yu.


Within the 12 Age Group, winning events were Emma, Evan Kim, Dhathresh Kolli and Luke Loveland. Finishing in the Top 8 were Winnifred Beardsley, Annabelle Crall, Charlotte Dahlby, Sammie Genin, Hugh Glastetter, Eloise Jones, Indie Layton, Grace Liu, Tommy Melly, Lucy Meyer, Elsa Moore, Liam O’Shaughnessy, Lucas Theodos, Eamon Weis and Erik Wisker. Finishing in the Top 16 were Charlotte Herbst, Rachel Liu, Reid Shepherd and Vada Tulyasathien. Also swimming in the meet were Marie Boland, Rayden Lin, Hailey Payne, Reed Sehy, Simran Sharma, Aaryan Singh and Morgan Victor.


In the 13-14 Age Groups, winning events were Austin, JP, Laine, Aiden Kim and Payton. Finishing in the Top 8 were Kate Brinton, Gio Bucci, Jacob Corbett, Colin Cunneen, Adalyn Dolan, Brenden Henke, Samuel Henke, Marissa Kelley, Grayson Langdon, Prairey Maxwell, Vivian McCaffrey, Mikail Mir, Molly Moriarty, Eli Mullen, Riley Muran, Curis Murawski, Vivie Murphy, Kinleigh Neville, Dravya Pradhan, Brynne Schneider, Eve Unger, Ali Williams and Kevin Wu. Finishing in the Top 16 were Aiden Ackenhausen, Lucy Baley, Jackson Brinton, William Chen, Miller Dorsey, Cameron House, Kai Kirsten, Jason Kraft, Brodyn Murphy, Serkan Patterson, Daniel Peterson and Mason Voss. Also swimming in the meet were Kya Baker, Audrey Brown, Christopher Carron, Claire Collet, Evan Givens, Ryan Hickel, Kenadie Johnson, Madeleine Keller, Janey Lin, Yuze Li, George Lu, Kaedyn Miller and Lucy Werner. 


Within the 15&Over Age Group, winning events were Brody, Charlotte Brown, Nora Lee, Ashlyn Canale, Lexi, Max Marcus and Hannah. Finishing in the Top 8 were Ella Arbeiter, Drew Baker, Aidan Brennan, Kathryn Chaves, Ben Chumley, Claire Chumley, Avery Cunneen, Josh Denckhoff, Harrison Forst, Anna Grace Guenther, Charlie Hill, Jacqueline Hu, Scout Jackson, Grace Kraeger, Allison Maloney, Cameron McCrary, Sean McGinley, Henry Mura, Cabot Murawski, Lindsay Naber, Ruby Nussbaum, Izzy Phillips, Kate Punnewaert, Noel Rice, Nora Rutkowski and Nina Schuerer. Finishing in the Top 16 were Grady Ashley, Max Boevingloh, Keegan Brown, Kennedy Chrun, Casey Chu, Ava Craig, Reilly Curry, Wills Dino, Liv Hanes, Pavel Hardey, Molly Holubowski, Caitlin Huhlmann, Margareth Mendoza, Campbell Murawski and Mia Panic. Also swimming in the meet were Karson Bluette, Abby Conrardy, Joe Cunningham, Gigi Demaggio, Sam Etherington, Cate Fear, Anne Holubowski, Sienna Kelley, Aranna Kiewiet, Sally Nolan, Will Plassmeyer and Leah Renner. 


Next meet will be the Region VIII Summer Sectionals. Good luck to all swimmers attending the meet.


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